In life, every single thing is a test. Moments like marriage, graduation, job, relationships, house, car, pain and failures are intimidating moments. Expectations that are pushed by the society, our conscious mind has to reside on living up to them.
So everyone at some point or the other be in a situation where their decisions are driven or made under Fear. How to overcome your fears 7 different ways that you should know
Fear is like a doorway to discover more about you, it carries a great source of growth. Such tests should always be approached with a positive attitude. Your ability to respond when the fear surfaces are the only driving force to overcome fear.
How to overcome your fears 7 different ways that you should know
1. Deal with your fear :
If you want to overcome your fears, then stare it dead in the eye and decide whether do something about it in a world that is moving so fast or to accept your situation. The first and the most important step is keeping aside the time to ponder on your fears and embracing it. It can be a lonely and dark place to be at and what thrown around is a tornado of emotions and doubts.
Meditation and Self-reflection are like a cure to begin the “the I HAVE TO DO THIS” moment. Pen down what has been holding you back, elaborate on the steps that led you to develop this fear, talk to someone who has gone through the same process, the same situation.
Stop running with your fears, instead of face your fears and it will start to lose its power, and if you don’t face them and they will become your limits.
2. Remember To Relive :
Look at your past to remember your previous successes, your previous failures, your mistakes. This will strengthen your confidence, will provide building blocks that will help you in overcoming your fear. Fear is waiting for you in every step whilst you prepare your attack of positivity so it won’t hurt as much if next time something bad happens. Going through rough patches is just a learning experience, accept that!
During this rough patch, you will realize that you’re way more powerful than what you think, and you are not alone in this many people are hit hard on life, so don’t lose focus if you don’t hit your mark. Relive because you are destined for success and you are special.
3. What defines you best are your own actions:
Fear lives in your mind as a strong imagination to stop you from moving ahead making you worry about the outcome before you have taken any action. Be patient, wait for it because it feels rewarding when you develop yourself from not trying, not doing anything at all to putting in the hours of blood, tears, and sweat.
Believe in yourself that you can handle fear, any situation and use it to develop courage. Treat your actions as experiments, things will be slow but will surely create a new version of you that learns from failures, mistakes, and setbacks. If you want to change yourself, let go of your fear.
PRO Tip: A wonderful book by Martin Meadows, he discusses how to overcome your limiting beliefs and boosts your confidence levels. For more reviews on this CLICK HERE
4.Train yourself for a healthy life:
Your body and your mind is your temple and what you take in directly or indirectly affects how you feel. Regular physical activity is very important as it improves several body functions. Do yoga, or Hit the gym to refresh and renew your body, mind, and soul. Make it your mantra.
Fear can already be building up inside you and needs to be thrown out from the body so always pay attention to your balance.
Many other factors also play important and vital parts such as sleeping well, eating healthy food. Making the conscious mind focus on the things we desire and not on the things we fear, is the only key to success and to throw out the fear in you.
5. Ask for help if needed.
We all have that one person in our lives to whom we can go and talk and discuss anything especially in times of hardship. Don’t fear embarrassment or rejection and develop the courage to speak up because you are not the only one.
Therefore, don’t hesitate in asking for help so that you gain energy in climbing those hurdles and gain some view of your own and guidance in achieving your dreams.
6. Live with passion
Learn to reside in positivity and start appreciating your life. Don’t pay attention to negative voices, distractions, media, illusions, and also the doubts that keep arising in your mind that fear exists. Always, Work hard in silence and let success make all the noise. That is the sign that you have WON.
Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success . For more reviews CLICK HERE
7. Belief and Purpose :
All the events that happen in our lives are connected to each other and the importance of them is the timing when they take place. If you look back, you will realize each lesson came with a much-needed message to prepare you for the future.
Don’t forget the future is unpredictable and yes we all fear the unknown. So learn to believe in yourself instead of being paranoid about everything.
“Believe in yourself and the world would be at your feets” – Swami Vivekanand