
Top 5 Home remedies for toothache that can ease your pain

Toothache is one of the common problems that we see in kids and adults. If you are not maintaining oral hygiene then you are prone to toothaches and they can be painful. So, to treat toothaches at home, you can follow a few simple tips and tricks that will help you to ease your toothache.

Top 5 home remedies for toothache that can ease your pain.

These home remedies work effectively when you have no option leftover and the pain is comparatively less. If the symptoms continue to be the same for few days then it is advisable to visit your dentist promptly.

These home remedies work effectively when you have no option leftover and the pain is comparatively less. If the symptoms continue to be the same for few days then it is advisable to visit your dentist promptly.

Rinse with Saltwater:

This is one of the simplest and easiest ways to deal with sudden toothaches. All you have to do is, add a pinch of salt to the boiling water and let it dissolve completely. Use the salt water and rinse your mouth for few times. In this case, salt acts as a natural disinfectant and will help you clear out any leftover food particles from your teeth.

Rinse with Saltwater

Ice Pack:

Use of an ice pack is advisable when you have swelling near your teeth. It will numb the pain area and give you relief.

Clove Oil or Cloves:

It is one of the ancient methods to cure or toothaches. Apply the clove oil near the affected area it will help you some sort of relief. Alternatively, if you can chew a small clove it will help you to clear your bad breath and at the same time will help in reducing the pain.

Usage of Teabags:

Use peppermint tea bags for treating tooth pain. All you have to do is, dip the tea bags in lukewarm water and place the tea bags near the affected area. This will help to numb the area and as well as the pain.


Garlic is gifted with a lot of antibacterial elements. One can crush a small piece of garlic and apply it near the affected area and it will help to relieve the pain.

These are the top 5 home remedies that can help you relieve pain from sudden toothaches. We recommend you maintain good oral health and visit your dentist for regular checkups.

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