
How to stop Saving Media automatically to your Camera Roll

With the help of internet and social applications getting in touch with like-minded individuals, this has become extremely easy. With the help of technology advancements, individuals can avail free video calling facility which is provided by “Apple”. On the flip side, if you have friends using Android phones a number of third party applications are available where you can chat and avail video calling facility. With third party applications all the media content that was transferred between your chats are stored automatically and in due course of time it will pile up and occupy most of your phone storage and lead  different issues.

This action is enabled and it is a user’s preference that can make the difference. The article will guide you in a step by step fashion to disable this option and no more media files that come from WhatsApp or Viber will be stored automatically. This will give freedom for the users to manage their phone storage smartly and also gives an option for the user to store only important images rather than storing all the unnecessary media content.


How To Disable WhatsApp Photo & Video Saving

  • Open WhatsApp
  • Tap on the settings icon (bottom right-hand corner). This will open up all the settings screen with
  • Tap on Chat
  • You will be able to disable the option for “Save Incoming Media”.

Following the above steps will make sure that all incoming media during the chats are not saved directly.

How to Save an Image from WhatsApp chat:


  • Open WhatsApp
  • Go into your chat lists
  • Tap one of the chat from the chat list
  • Tap on the image, a popup will appear with options “Save”, “Forward”, “Share”.
  • Tap on “Save” button and image is saved into your Photos

Disable Auto Media save in Viber:


Viber is one of the popular chatting application which is available  both Android and iOS platform. The user has an option to disable auto-saving of images into Camera Roll by following these steps:


  • Open Viber App
  • Tap on “More” icon (bottom right-hand corner). User will be directed to a screen where all the settings can be configured
  • Tap on Settings
  • The user has to disable “Save to Gallery” option.


Following the above steps will make sure that media content is not automatically downloaded into your Photo App.

If you are thinking only WhatsApp and Viber are actually automatically saving media content then you are wrong. A lot of third party apps actually have this option and I would recommend one to go through the settings tab of the downloaded applications and protect your privacy

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